15: Tales of a Splinter Fleet

Game Fifteen: 1750 Points vs Demons

Splinter Fleet Lyracian
Daddy Swarmlord & two whip Guard
Junior Hive Tyrant (Old Adversary, Shell, TLBDx2)
Zoanthropes x3
Hive Guard 2 Broods x2
Xenomorphs (Genestealers) w/ Toxic Sacs
Mummy Tervigon with TS, AG, Catalysis, Talons
Termagants one Brood x12
Tiny the Tyrannofex with Rupture Cannon

Demons of the Warp
Primary Wave
Cake: Epidemius & twelve Plague Bearers
Toffees: Nurglings x9
Stew: Ku'gath the Plaguefather
Light Snack: Pink Horrors x10

Secondary Wave
Pizza: Skulltaker & ten Bloodletters
Hot Sauce: Flamers of Tzeentch
Raw Meat: Pestilence; Winged Demon Princes of Nurgle
Pot Roast: Tulu; Demon Prince of Tzeentch

Mission: Spearhead, Capture and Control.
Deployment: The demons are roused to war by an arcane signal telling of an ancient phylactery, buried in a graveyard, they have been charged to protect for over two millennia. Apparently the planet is about to be obliterated. Having found a quite hillside mummy, protected by Junior and Tiny, starts to lay more eggs. Hearing strange noises from a graveyard in the north-west Daddy Swarmlord advances towards some central hills to see what is happening.

Turn One
Warping in beside the graveyard were Epidemius and the Nurglings. The Plaguefather materialised behind the hill; unfortunately the Horrors had chose the same spot. They burst forth from his chest sending him screaming back into the warp.

Turn Two
Galloping his steed through the fading portal Skull-taker's cohort sprang forward into the south-eastern foothills. Instantly lightning bolts burned several bloodletters down to just charred bones.

Pestilence rose up from the ground behind mummy. His rotting stentch provoked Juniors wrath. He opened fire with his guns and mentally fried Pestilence's central nervous system allowing mummy's new babies to charge forward and devour the foul creature. Splashing through the larva Swarmy runs towards the hill where the Horrors are cowering under Tiny, and the Hivers, torrent of fire.

Turn Three
Tula slipped between the ever shifting planes onto the planets surface and seared the carapace from a Zoanthrope with his fiery breath. Clambering into the Ruins Skull-taker decapitates the Hivers; he is then nerve-shocked by Junior. Melting the sand below their feet to glass Tzeentch's Flamers landed in front of the graveyard. While they were still disoriented from the trans-location the Xenomorphs jumped out of hiding and charged forwarded devouring them. Jumping the flowing lava Swarmy eviscerated the last Horrors.

Turn Four
Scurrying out of the graveyard the Plague Bearers assault the Xenomorphs killing four. Burning him with flaming breath Tula leaped at Swarmy; only to be felled by the whirling sabres (and rending talons) of death. Swarmy then stomped into the Nurgle swarm. Skull-taker finished the last Zoanthrope however with poison dripping from there fangs gaunts finish him off and swarm over the hill towards the graveyard.

Turn Five
Struggling against there tougher opponents the Xenomorphs are reduced to a single alien. Fortunately help arrives with Hivers and Gaunts mulit-charging into the graveyard rumble. As the twin suns on the doomed planet set Swarmy leads his horde into the final assault on Epidemius.

Aftermath: Victory for the Hive Mind (one objective to zero)
Loosing one sixth of the army to a first turn mishap was a real set back for the demons. It put them on the defensive and they were just not able to threaten my objective all game. They kept playing for the draw and came very close to getting it given how hard it was to chop through all of Nurgle's minions.


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