19: Tales of a Splinter Fleet

Game 19: 1500 Points vs Ultramarines
Scenario - Seize Ground, Spearhead deployment

I played a full drop pod army so nothing arrive until the bottom of turn two. This gave the marines plenty of time to position themselves ready for the attack. They just did not know where it was going to come from...

Tyranid Air Assault
Hive Tyrant (Old Adversary, Hive Commander, Wings, TL Devs x2)
Zoanthropes x2 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Zoanthropes x2 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Ymgarl Xenomorphs x8
Termagants w/ Devourers x20 in Spore Pod w/ TL Deathspitter
Tervigon (Toxic,Adreanl,Catalysis,Talons) [Outflanking]
Broodlord (Toxic,Talons) & 5 Genestealers w/ Toxic
Gargoyle Brood x11

Chaplain Caecilius with Jump Pack
Purpureus & Albus Tactical Squads with flamer, missile & power-gauntlets; Albus in a Rhino
Plumbeus Devastator Squad with 4 Missiles
Tripudio Assault Squad with Fist and two Flamers.
Tempestas Terminator Squad with assault cannon & CML
Brother Grumio Dreadnought

* = Objective
Purpureus & Plumbeus Squads formed up on the top of the hill in three squads guarding the first weather mast*, they were backed up by Brother Grumio. Caecilius lead Tripudio over the hill and formed up on the second mast*. Tempestas advanced to investigate the bio-signs* from the ruins while Albus squad zoomed their APC forward and jumped out to investigate the petrified forest*.

File: 20110225/excom  Date: 0736903.M41
It had been three days since the space hulk had dropp+d out of the w+rp int+ the system. It is broa+casti+g a st+tic disruption s+gn+l +n +ll ch+nn+ls. +++++ some+++ c++ ++c++ve this. At t+++ ++

Kellerman watched the transmission from the masts. Three large meteors dropped from the sky. Two of them impacted at the bottom of the hill; the shells cracked open and the floating form of the alien Zoanthropes emerged. Searing balls of psychic plasma erupted from their elongated heads and vaporised three marines. The last spore impacted by the ruins disgorging termagants who opened fire killing six Tripudio marines. Swooping down from the sky behind the meteor spores was the gigantic form of a Hive Tyrant. It swept down in a long arc racking a deadly hail of spikes into the injured assault marines and engaged Caecilius in melee combat. Over the intercom he could hear the screams from Albus squad as genestealers ripped them apart. Only Sergeant Lucius, hypnotised by the Broodlord, was left alive after the first assault.

The Terminators stomped forward crushing termagants under their boots. Purpureus-Pugnus and Dreadnought Grumio charged into the Zoanthrope broods but were not able to penetrate their mystical protection. Meanwhile the Hive Tyrant finished with Caecilius and glides over the landscape to rend Plumbeus apart. Xenomorphs burst out of the ground and leaped onto the Terminators slaying half of them. Over the intercom could be heard Lucius' screams as he was torn limb from limb, the intercom then thankfully went silent as the aliens swarmed over the APC and torn it, and its transmitter, apart.

Purpureus-gravis opened fire on the gargoyles descending towards the hill, while Grumio and Purpureus-Pugnus continued to battle ineffectively against the Zoantrhopes. The Hive Tyrant launched itself at Grumio tearing off his arm and then shattering his cooling systems causing him to seize up and only be able to watch helplessly as the Tyrant effortlessly glided over and munched the last of Purpureus squad.

Kellerman hit the side of the screen trying to clear the static. In the distance he could see the dark shape of a large monster spuing forth termagants as it advanced towards Tempestas squad. He could see the last of his elite soldiers fighting against Gaunts, Xenomorphs and Genestealers. While they held there own for a few moments the shear weight of enemy numbers was over whelmed them. Kellerman turned to the servitor and ordered him to activate the teleportation system and bring the injured men back to base. Surrounded by a halo of violet energy six bodies, more dead than alive, materialised in the control room. The medics rushed over to adminster to them.

File: 20110225/excom  Date: 0736904.M41
++++ t++eat has ++++n th++selv++ to be T++++ds. Alien spor++ have been bom+bar+ing the +++++ ++++++e. Our marine contingent has successful repelled the first attack with minimal casult++++ Assist++++ req+++++. TRANSMISSION END. TIME STAMP DISCREPANCY DELAY IN ARRIVAL 278 DAYS.

Victory for the Hive Mind by annihilation (I also held three objectives)


  1. Great battle report. Sounded like a greusome slaughterfest. Ultramarines: the breakfast of champions.

  2. Thanks. I am really liking the 'starlog' style report as I can be fit more fluid with the descriptions.

  3. Breakfast of champions indeed. I'm plotting the return of my Ultramarines in a different guise; though they still wear blue and gold, they are going to be learn to be more like space vikings.

    But given recent reports of successes against the Space Wolves, I'm not sure it'll help much.


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