WFRP Chapter 53: Jail House Rock


Background: Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  Explore the Old World.  Based in the town of Kreutzhofen, A sleepy trading town in Wissenland, where the Grey and Black mountains meet but nearby the minions of Chaos plot disruption.

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David F.) - Fire Wizard
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Elven Outlaw
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Swords-master
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Bodyguard
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Cook

Chapter 53

We join what remains of our intrepid band, just Morgan and Flendac, as they return to the Winking Tiger tavern in Mortensholm. Most of their friends left for dead in the Lamar Trading Co. warehouse after the last job went very wrong...

Before having time to even finish the first beer eight watchman enter accompanied by local Businessman, and secret Tzeentch cultist, Thomas Lamar!  "Those are the culprits" he shouts out "they tried to rob me and killed ten of my men".  Flendac explains that Lamar was holding them hostage and wanted to brand them before they could leave but eventually agree he and Morgan will go to the watch house and it will get sorted out before the judge in the morning.

With weapons and armour removed the pair are placed in the cells along with a drunken North-man, Ragnar, and a bunch of outlaws.  Morgan recognizes Yohan who was one of the bandits that previously tried to rob them.  In the woman's cell on her own is Faefiel an Elven outlaw.

A small Halfing comes in dragging a large iron pot and starts to feed the prisons gruel.  He is complaining about how he hates having to cook with these poor quality ingredients.  Morgan starts up a conversation and together they agree to pay the little man 35 crowns if he will get them out and agree he can come with them as a chef.  Taking half the payment up front Tayy goes off to get the keys and the other items that were checked in.

While he is away some more prisoners are put into the already crowded cell by one of Lamar's cronies.  Flendac notices they are carrying knifes.  It looks like time is running out but just as the new comers start acting aggressive Tayy returns with another bowl of gruel for Morgan inside which he can see a set of keys submerged.  With his back to the bars Flendec feels something else pushed into his hand, his sword. Somehow Tayy has managed to sneak in a blade that is the same size as he is!  Just in time the pair who, with Ragnar's help, are able to defend themselves from would be assassins.

Getting out of the cells, without equipment, Morgan hears the voice of Lamar demanding to enter the cells.  They have no choice but to follow Tayy out through the kitchen and hide in the  dark alleyways.  As they run the screams of those facing Lamar spur them on to flee faster.

 Morgan is desperate to get his staff and other gear back and pays Tayy another 25 crowns to go back and get them.  The small Halfing returns in record time, almost as if he already had the equipment stashed nearby, carrying a shield loaded with other weapons and gear.

The newly formed party stops to buy supplies before taking the road out of town.  During the night Yohan, and one other, limp into view.  They are the only survivors from the jail and tell how an angry Lamar was killing everyone else and demanding Flendac's head.  The next morning folk are surprised to find Tayy has cooked up a wonderful breakfast and even has cookware and crockery although no one is quite sure where he was carrying it.

Returning through the Winter's Teeth pass to Kreutzhofen the group encounter the rest of Yohan's bandit friends. They agree no toll is needed today since Yohan was with them.  The group also managed to avoid a small caravan of Lamar trading Co. wagons and finally see a friendly face Hernan the giant.  He is in a bad mood and asks his friends, Morgan and Flendec, to come and clear out some Orcs that are proving troublesome.

Having returned to Kreutzhofen Morgan gets a job for Tayy at the Taverno Rosso cooking great food for the Tillian traders who like to eat there before using the underground river to return to Campogrotta

 Image Credits

Dungeon By MalthusWolf Map from gitzmansgallery.


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