WFRP Chapter 54: An Orc in the Road


Background: Exploring the 'Old World' of Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  In Wissenland, where the Grey and Black mountains meet, sits the sleepy trading town of Kreutzhofen but nearby the minions of Chaos plot disruption.

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David F.) - Fire Wizard
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Elven Outlaw
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Swords-master
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Bodyguard
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Cook

Chapter 54

Having finished his weeks work at il Taverna Rosso Tayy heads over to the Black Eagle pub to have a pint or two, of very expensive ale, with his friends. While there Morgan and Flendac see Silavan, A political figure from Wusterberg, whom they have seen use magic, arguing with Joseph Greeg, a local merchant.

Greeg storms out and Silavan comes over to talk to Morgan.  He mentions he wishes to procure some property that Greeg owns and would be grateful if someone were able to persuade him to sell.  Once Silavan had left the group discuss what they should do next.  Tayy reminds everyone that Hernan the giant wanted some help with Orcs.

Having decided this sounds like a more worthwhile quest Tayy packs up a picnic and everyone heads off back into the mountains to the giants cave.  Talking to other travelers on route it seems several caravans have gone missing recently.

Hernan is in chaotic state when the party arrives and has a strange necklace on that neither Morgan or Flendac recognise.  Following his directions to a valley where the Orcs live two scouts can be seen on watch over the narrow ravine that is the only entrance.  While observing another Orc, a female shaman, comes into view.

Tayy steps forward waving and shouting to see if a peaceful approach to the Orcs will work.  The shaman introduces herself and Maruge and they begin a discussion about trade.  Tayy offers her some cheesecake, part of the picnic, which she likes.  The Orcs come back with wine and after some negotiations the party buys a barrel of wine, and a small cart, in exchange for much coin and the cheesecake.

Returning to Hernan he charges out of his cave to attack but Flendac is able to talk him down.  Morgan is able to identify the necklace, the yellow-green stone that is is glowing is a warpstone aligned with the gods of Chaos!

Attempts to get Hernan to remove the necklace are not very productive but Flendac and Morgan do manage to get him to take it off and put it inside his cave.  His mood starts to improve but a plan is needed to stop him putting it back on.  Morgan takes Hernan away from the fire to show him the stars while Tayy and Faefiel sneak into the cave and retrieve the stone.

The party, along with their new trade goods, make a quick exit before Hernan notices his necklace is gone.  Having made it safely back to Kreutzhofen they toss the necklace into one corner of the house and exhausted all collapse for some sleep.  The next morning everyone, except Ragnar, waking up at the house is feeling sick just from having been near the strange stone.

Tayy and Morgan take the barrel of wine to il Taverna Rosso and sell it to Elenora Sangavessy who agrees to buy the barrel for 150 crowns; 80 up front and the rest in a few days.  Elena mentions she has heard from patrons that a giant has been attacking caravans on the southern path.  Morgan makes light of this not wanting to mention what has been happening.

Asking around it seems Silavan has already returned to Wusterburg and there is is no one else nearby to ask about the warpstone.  Morgan thinks it may be best to leave it at the house, even if they do not sleep there for a while.  Time to look for adventure elsewhere.  Perhaps it is time to talk to Greeg so we have more to discuss with Silavan than just Warpstone...

Image Credits
Orc Picnic By obakawaii
 Warpstone Love By sunny125.


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