WFRP Chapter 96: A Kind of Magic
Summary: Can Morgan's Men win the boat race? Chapter 96 ~ The final race On the following morning the crews lined up for the last race. Prince Imrik turned up with a pair of sailors with bows rather than the additional wizard he had the day before. Perhaps he had a cunning plan? Hayley was not sure. Crews entering this final race were :- Dragon Club. Two guardsmen with repeating crossbows and a rower. Dagmar and her Dragoons, Erica and Bob. Morgan's Men consisting of Hayley, Madoc and Zena. Prince Imrik, High Elf Noble and entourage. Evelyn, or was that Evil Lyn, Sorceress and her new crew. Astrellion and the Woodland War Dancers of Athel Loren, To'dek and Saryn As the race started all the rowers put their backs into it to try and get a breakaway lead. Prince Imrik waves his hands and glowing lights danced over all the boats and rushed toward him where he absorbed the energy. Hayley and Modoc fell back into the boat their flying boots havi...