WFRP Campaign


Background: Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  Explore the Old World.  

The Grand County of Wissenland is a major and founding Imperial Province that lies at the most southern territories of the Empire.  The southwestern-most of the Empire's provinces, Wissenland forms a triangle bounded by the Black Mountains and Grey Mountains on two sides and the River Reik on the third. 

In the harsh depths of winter the mountain passes are cut off because of snow. This makes the underground river starting near Kreutzhofen and emerging in Tilea an invaluable source for year-round trade.

It is in this sleepy trading town of Kreutzhofen where our story begins.  Can our heroes prevent the minions of the Chaos gods from overrunning the beloved town or will themselves fall pray to the offers of magical power from these strange otherworldly beings.

The current party

Wissenland Campaign Log


Warhammer Fantasy Role-play (1st Ed) Articles

My random musings on the game system and character progression.



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