WFRP Chapter 60: The day J F Greeg Died



Background: Exploring the 'Old World' of Warhammer where the renaissance meets magic.  In Wissenland, where the Grey and Black mountains meet, sits the sleepy trading town of Kreutzhofen but nearby the minions of Chaos plot disruption.

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David F.) - Fire Wizard
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Swords-master
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Elven Outlaw
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Bodyguard
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Cook

Chapter 60

While sitting in the pub discussing our plans to assassinate Greeg the new watch commander Alberto Berterrelli arrived and introduced himself.  He mentioned that local dignatry Mr Greeg had hired some guards as he felt he was under threat from a chaos cult!  Oops perhaps taking that contract was not the best plan!

To prepare we went shopping and Tayy was able to haggle with Rohit Sharma to get a discount on the two healing potion the apothecary had in stock. These turned out to be live savers later on!


On the return to the house we finalized our plans.  Flendac would set the roof of the barn on fire to distract the guards allowing all to sneak in through the back door, find Greeg and fulfill our contract.

Flendac easily reached the barn but was struggling to get his flints to light the roof.  Morgan has to use a minor illusion spell to keep the guards distracted with strange noises until he was done.  When the blaze started we were all positioned behind the house and quickly ran in through the open back door.

Several other people ran out through the front door and after they were outside we stealth-fully went up the stairs.  On the landing was the Stagny Thundergut, dwarven pie-thief, he ran into Greegs rooms and slammed the door.

Tayy was able to use his new lock picks to open the door but the room inside was empty.  Searching around we found gold, a magic scroll and property deeds.  Eventually we also found a secret door in the north wall leading down into a cellar.

Here we found Greeg, Thudergut and two wizards.  His hirelings reanimated cadavers to try and stop us.  These undead caused minor wounds and then Ragnar took a serious blow and was just able to consume the first potion before he was struck again.

With the zombie (and Thundergut) dead the two Wizard tossed Fireballs at the group.  Faefiel collapsed and dragged herself out of the room where Tayy administered the second potion.  Morgan laughed as he was immune to fire and toss lighting at them.  Flendac also shrugged off most of the fire damage due to unnaturally tough skin.  Ragnar charged forward and faced Greeg in single combat.  Almost dead Ragnar delivered the killing blow as the Necromancer whacked him with an enchanted staff.  The other Wizard tried to provide cover with a screen of mist but Morgan was able to stagger through and zapped him dead with lighting before the Wizard was able to flee.

Sorting through the loot Tayy got a ring of life; Flendac tried to attune to both magical staffs and got one - a staff giving him fire protection and dealing ice damage; Faefiel took the magical armour that allows Wizards to cast spells wearing it (rather than either of the groups casters). Ragnar tried to put on boots of speed and a magical amulet but they were both destroyed when he failed to attune to them.

Afterwards Tayy progressed into being a Spy; Faefiel became a Targeteer while Ragnar took her old profession as an Outlaw.  Flendac meanwhile was started a mystical career as an exorcist.

Image Credits
Assassin by darekzabrocki.


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