Forge World Figures


Each time I visited Warhammer World I had been picking up one of the Blood Bowl Star Players and with them now having free shipping ordered a few more.  
 Finally decided it was time to get them all built!  Mostly these are good quality design and fit together well.  I did need a bit of filler on Glart and one of Zolcath's arms.
Glart the fat rat.
He sure has a lot of flash on him!
He also has his own Warpstone ball.

Zoat sure is a lot of resin (and a very high price)

Summerbloom is a great thrower
Sadly she also had a lot of flash on the tassels for her costume.

The Goblin Kontraptions fit, size wise, with the 3rd Edition Goblins.
I have also put all the standard figures on the 25mm my teams are on.
Having made the new figures all use 32mm bases we now have a star that only comes with a 40mm base! Why?

The White Dwarf assembles some friends to receive his wisdom.
Bugman, Zolcath the Zoat, Grombrindal, Gloriel Summerbloom.

Team Evil assemble! The Black Goblin, Glart Smashrip Jr and Kontraptions.


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