WFRP Chapter 62: Money, Money, Money



Background: Making money in a fantasy economy.  While two chaos cults are, apparently, also joining together to monopolies local trade...

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David) - Human Fire Wizard
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Cold as ice Elven Targeteer
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling businessman (and spy)

Chapter 62

Having used his cloak of illusions to convince the staff Greeg was selling his property and running away Morgan then left with a suitcase full of clothes.  He met up with Faefiel and Tayy back at his own house.  We decided to head out and see what money could be made with deeds we now possessed.

Our first stop was to see Armand, also known as Mr Bun the Baker.  He was very keen to buy the property.  After a long discussion Tayy convinced him since we had paid 60 crowns, because that was what the paperwork showed, then a price of 70 crowns was what we needed to turn a profit.  He said he would need a couple of weeks to get the money together which we agreed was fine.  Since we had not actually spend any gold for the property each of the five us was going to make 14 crowns, not two, as profit.

Next we visited Kasper the miller.  The old man was struggling to work the mill due to his arthritus.  Tayy realised that was why so much flour was being imported into Kreutzhofen.  Kasper said he could not sell the mill with the loan outstanding and could not pay it back.  We offered to help him sell; which quickly turned into to buying the place!  Tayy tried to bargain the price down but Morgan felt sorry for him and said we would pay the full value.  The three friends quickly found themselves join owners of a lovely waterside property with accommodation upstairs and a job opening for a new miller.

Popping into the Black Eagle to put the job offer on the notice board we found the place was full with a mercenary company.  As we continued our walk to the Taverna Tayy quickly filled Morgan in on Silavan's plans to wipe out all the people living in the Winters Teeth pass and only allow the Lamar and Silavan trading companies to use it.

Reaching the Taverna Elenora paid us for the Orc wine and was surprised to know Greeg had sold his share; yes really he sold it - the paperwork says so (not like it is forged or anything).  She was not keen on having five partners and we agreed to sort it out so she only had to deal with Tayy and Morgan.

Before heading into the pass to warn Hernan we returned to the pub to gather information.  Tayy talked to Dutch Shafer the captain and while chatting about his  past, including his vampire hunting, found out that they were waiting for Malfoy (that evil wizard we let die) who should have turned up to give them orders.

Seeing an opportunity Tayy heading outside with Morgan and outlined a cunning plan.  Morgan got changed and then returned using his illusions to look like Malfoy.

Malfoy, pictured above, entered the bar and strides directly over to Dutch.  Using all the information Tayy had given him he convinced Dutch about who is and tells  a tale that traders posing as the Lamar trading company are using the pass and need to be stopped.  Dutch is not keen on the first plan Morgan comes up of apprehending them but does settle for Tayy's plan when it is put to him.  That is station ten men at either end of the pass and turn back any carts bearing the Lamar logo.  Dutch decided he does not want to split his men and will put all 20 in the center of the pass and turn them back there.  This should cause some upset between the two businessmen (and secret cultists).  Tomorrow the Mercenary company will set out to blockade the pass.

Tayy spends his afternoon visiting lawyers and getting paperwork sorted for the Thorn Enterprises Limited Company.  His four friends join him as lifetime shareholders and the business is given ownership of the 50% share of the Taverna Rosso.  That way the 10 crowns a month profit go to the company and each of them can then receive the 2 crowns they are owed.

Tayy also interviews the applications for the position of Miller and hires a man called Jim Miller to fill the position.  A working mill will bring in 4 crowns a month, one for Jim's wages and one each for the three owners.

While all this was going on Faefiel had spent his time in the pub talking to Edmond Dantès a trader who had been forced to sell his company to Thomas Lamar after a string of accidents stopped him from continuing trading.  Annalise is rather taken by the young nobleman and with Morgan having refused to make her an honest woman turns on the charms to a new suitor.  Edmond tells Faefiel he has now found a reason to live which is unfortunate as he paid Dagmar to have some assassins kill him since he was unable to do it himself.

Faefiel says perhaps you can pay them off to not kill you?  Poor Edmond though does not know who is coming!  With her sharp eyes Faefiel spots the other traders that have joined them and got a round drop something in Edmond's pint.  She confronts them and swaps the drinks but Paplo spills the drink before it is consumed and then leaves along with his associate.  Not wishing to get involved further Faefiel bids Edmond good luck and leave him to his fate.

Image Credits - Line drawing from PenUser


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