WFRP Chapter 65: Burning down the house

Background: Raiding the, supposed, empty warehouse of a chaos cult...

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David) - Human Battle-Mage
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Outlaw with Foe-cleaver a killer Axe
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling punching-bag (and spy)
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Cold as ice Elven Targeteer

Chapter 65

Cult leader Lamar was dead and Tayy had the bright idea to go raid the warehouse where he stored all the cool tools he had taken when he had killed Morgan's friends.

Heading back through the winters teeth pass with checked in with Maruge and let the Orc's know Hernan could return home.  Arriving in Mortensholm we got ourselves a room at the Winking Tiger inn; popped to the shops to buy some more armour and then headed on over the Lamar warehouse.

Using his magical cloak Morgan strode in pretending to be Thomas Lamar and fooled the men working there.  Then the voice of Mr Van Horst called out for us to come upstairs.  It seems Mr Lamar's mysterious boss was actually at the warehouse!

Things did not look good as Van Horst got the drop on us summoning eldritch horrors and blasting lighting bolts into the group.  Faefile ran out the room to drink a potion while the others killed the horrors.  

Brave Tayy charged forward to engage the wizard in melee but took a pair of lighting bolts to the face!  It seemed Van Horst hated halflings as even when everyone else was attacking him, and Tayy could not hurt him, he spent most of his time hacking at the plucky halfling trying to kill him!  Finally Ragnar managed to land a blow on the Wizard ending the first encounter.

Tayy was left with a bloody gash across his head making it hard to see but he still kept swinging about with his magical sword hacking down more cultists that had ran into the room to aid their boss.  In some bizzare twist the psychotic hobbit took out more cultists than anyone else!  Searching the building we found a small cache of magical loot and some coin.

Setting the warehouse ablaze we staggered back to the Winking Tiger.  Here we paid Bowser the barman for discretion and a doctor.  After three days of medical attention Morgan was able to use his minor healing spells as a cure all.

Feeling favored by the gods for having finally wiped out a chaos cult, and leaving a gap in the local economy, we were ready to travel once again.

Image Credits -  

Morgan and Faefiel burning down the warehouse art from Anasasiel and lily-fox


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