WFRP Chapter 66: The bear went over the mountain

Getting home while avoiding Goblins and bears...

Our Heroes

  • Morgan (David) - Human Battle-Mage
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling punching-bag (and spy)
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Cold as ice Elven Targeteer

Chapter 66

Having spend a week recovering from the last fight we went shopping and managed to find an Elf Bow for Morgan to trade to Maruge and a magical Elven bow which Faefiel trader her enchanted crossbow, and 50 crowns for.  A good deal given it was for sale at 700 crowns!  Mortensholm apothecary had three healing potions in stock; perfect for us to get one each.

Heading back into the Winters Teeth pass we saw Gobbo the Great and his warband.  Following the Goblin were two ogres, an Elf and a Manticore!  Gobbo called out for use to pay the Gobbo tax.  Tayy led the retreat (flee! skill coming into use) as we all fled into the woods.

Wandering around under the cover of the trees we disturbed Rupert the Bear.  The savage beast attacked us and mauled Faefiel with its first strike.  She was forced to drink her healing potion to stay alive.

The bear turned its attentions to Morgan and he was savigly wounded; left stunned unable to fight.  Tayy flailed wildly at the monster with his magic sword barley managing to scratch through the thick hide.  While the bear continued to munch on Morgan Faefiel drew her sword and chopped its head off with a single mighty blow!

After spending the night in the woods eating steak we snuck back to the pass and were able to get to the orcish valley.  Here Margue was able to teach Morgan a spell of armour in exchange for the bow, and a lot of cheesecake (involving another uneventful trip to town).  She offered to train Morgan to be a Wizard of the third circle but would only do so in exchange for a magical elven bow.

Returning to Kreutzhofen Faefiel was able to buy the last potion in stock, for 95 crowns, to replace the one she had drunk.  While shopping we saw Silavan talking to another merchant.  After Silavan had left we introduced ourselves.  The man was Alexander De Bellum and he was opening an emporium in the town.  Clearly the next step in Silavan's plan.

Discussing our next move in the Black Eagle we decided the best plan was to travel to Nuln, and possibly Altdorf, to look for other Wizards that could train Morgan to the next level of power.  That should give us at least three possible ways to get him trained; and we might find another bow if we had to come back and ask Maruge. 

Image Credits -  

Three Bears and Wolf art from gerugeon


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