WFRP Chapter 70: The Nightmare before Chrystmas

Background: A barroom brawl goes sour when meeting the Nuln Mafia.

Our Heroes

  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Thief
  • Faefiel (Elliot) - Cold as ice Elven Targeteer
  • Ragnar (Oliver) - Human Outlaw Chief
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin

Chapter 70

Our river boat finally arrived at Nuln.  Morgan and Donna headed off to talk to the Wizard council to find out about option for getting him trained.  The rest of us headed over to Shanty town district and paid for rooms at the Green Bottle Inn.

We then wondered off to the Revers Return looking to see if there was any work going.  A large gang were sitting at one table talking about how things were looking a bit sketchy with Tony and Silvio.  They gave us a polite warning to stay away when we sat at the table next to them.  The barman told us about a notice board in the market and we went to check that out.

Here was a request for information about one Benito who was missing.  We followed the direction to the Black Swan and met with Tony Soprano and his gang. Benito has last been seen at the Laughing bear.

Reaching our third tavern we found the place almost empty.  Christian Fookes the barman told us there was a private business meeting in the backroom and that was keeping most people away.

Faefiel and Ragnar barged in and talked to Paul Chyrst (and yet another gang) who were clearly armed mercenaries not merchant.  After a few tense moments we left to look for Benito elsewhere.

Tayy came up with the idea to check at the watchhouse for drowned bodies and also search the area.  We split into two group.  Those going to the watch found Benito's body and took his hat as prove we had found him.

Together we all returned to see the Sopranos.  Tony was sad to know his friend has been stabbed and also intrigued about what was happening at the Laughing Bear and who the owner might me.  We agreed to go back and see if we could find out more.

Talking to Christian he told us a lawyer had organised for him to have the job running the bar but sometimes it was Paul Chyrst who paid him the wage; all he had to do was keep the back room free for the business meetings.

The three armed men, and one Elven Lady, marched back into the room with the intention of getting some answers (and possibly some bloodshed).  Tayy stayed outside with Haley, Faefiel's ward, with the intention of making sure Christian did not go summon the watch since he knew what would happen when a master assassin drew his blade.

Chyrst was not intimidated by the four and demanded Ragnar's magic axe.  He initiated the battle by throwing a fireball and then a dozen men charged into the fray.

Rubinifer not being as well protected as the others took a near fatal blow and was knocked back only able to parry for a few seconds.  Faefiel was hacking down mooks but then Cryst joined in the melee.  She dodged a couple of blows but then took a fatal wound to the head [31 damage] and died instantly.  Cryst then turned on Ragnar who was already wounded; fate kept him momentarily alive but then he too was killed by the magic blade of this gang boss.

As Flendac stepped up to attack Cryst he shouted for Rubinifer to flee as he had it all in hand.  Another exchange of blows and both men were wounded.  The luck of the gods deflected a killing blow from landing on Flendac and his next strike sent Cryst to the grave.

Tayy saw Rubinifer flee and headed over to the back room, tossing a healing potion to his friend, as he went. Pushing the door open Tayy actually manged to stab a  gang member who died! Quite a shock to the Halfling since he does not usually do anything in combat except stand there and get punched.

Fighting defensively (parrying is awesome) Tayy and Rubinifer kept a few mooks busy while Flendac cleared the room.  Stripping the corpses most of the spoils were from our dead companions.  Tayy got a magic bow as well as Cryst's amulet of Fireballs while Flendac attuned to the greaves of alacrity.  Rubinifer was unable to attune to Faefiel's sword and it disintegrated.  Putting the other two magic weapons  together with the spare mail into his magic bag Tayy payed the barman for his silence and we all returned to our lodgings for  a rest.

Once there we equipped Hayle with Faefiel's old armour, the two girls were about the same size, as well a sword and shield so she could defend herself.

Image Credits -  

Art from misterfeelgood


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