WFRP Chapter 72: Oops!... We Did It Again

Background: Gang warfare in Nuln.

Our Heroes

  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Bricklayer
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Morgan (David) - Human Battle Mage
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief
  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Nobel

Chapter 72

Having gotten our coin from JR and talked about religion we returned to the town notice board.  Ian Kenny was looking for some detectives and Jacov for a missing person.  

First we went to see Kenny who offered us ten crowns to catch some vandals who kept throwing bricks through his windows.  He told us that Paul Cryst, and now Lee Collins, kept coming around asking to buy the Mule's kick tavern but he did not want to sell and thought they were involved.

Agreeing to come back that evening we then went to see Jacov at the Rat & Parrot.  This seemed to be another gang hang out.  Jacov was looking for Anastasia Romanov who disappeared at the Univestalt watch house.   Telling him we would look into it we left having no intention of actually following it up.

That evening we returned to the Mule's kick and saw three men throw a brick through the window and run away.  Flendac and Rubinifer tailed them back to the Laughing bear; it seemed the gang we had killed were back in the action.  Going in and talking to the barman ended with some confusion as he told us there were 19 people in the back room when he actually meant 19 in the gang!  When the four people inside left we trailed them to a near by house that was quite well fortified.

Rubinifer and Tayy broke into the pub and searched around finding a map which gave us more information about what this shadowy group were working on.  It showed they had friends at the Dogs Bark (a tavern run by Steffi Graff) and were trying to cause a war between the Pointers and Tillian gangs.  Interestingly they also had the Dragon Club and Shrine of Manann marked as dangerous.

Visiting Tony Soprano we agreed to help the Tillian's deal with the Shadow gang (and we named them) in exchange for a favor from him.  Tony made sure the watch were kept busy while we went with a dozen of his men to rough up the opposition.

We thought we had some good tactics of tossing in a couple of fireballs and then getting them to charge out of the back room at us.  Unfortunately this did not work.  While our magical flames killed a couple of them Flendac got hit with a confusion spell while Morgan was shot with an arrow. Tayy had to drag Flendac out of the doorway as the powerful magic rendered him useless for a whole day! Rather than charging out the Shadow gang set themselves, with military precision, ready to receive an assault.

Having seen what had happened the Tillian's were not willing to charge into battle.  Morgan, having now healed, tried to throw another lightning bolt into the room but got hit in the head by a magic arrow [19 damage] and was knocked out cold.  With our best two combatants removed from the fray we left the Tillian's telling them we had done our best to help.  This was after all there battle.  Perhaps this time we should have all just charged in...

Image Credits -  

Art from erickefata


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