WFRP Chapter 71: If I Knew You Were Comin' I'd've Baked A Cake

Background: Bribery and shopping in Nuln.

Our Heroes

  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Bricklayer
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Morgan (David) - Human Battle Mage
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin

Chapter 71

With Hayley tending to Rubinifer's wounds Tayy, Morgan and Flendac went shopping.  Tayy picked up some Bolas so he can do the one-two combo of wrap them, stab them with Flendac.  

Next the group went to Rickard's Armour looking for magical items.  The original plan had been to pick up armour but it turned out Rickard had a much more valuable enchanted jade ring, priced at 3000 crowns, in stock.  It was a good job Tayy had five magical swords and other sundry items as he had to trade in all the weaponry except Frostmaiden to get the ring.

Being somewhat short of funds the trio returned to the town noticed board.  They found a request from J. R. Ewing looking for an escort to Lengenfeld a days journey to the east.

Heading to the Crowned Cat the group met with Ewing and were introduced to Zena, a brick layer, who had also applied.  The job paid 13 crowns each and was to escort Miss Victoria Principle to Lengenfeld leaving at first light the next day.  We spend the evening chatting to Zena back at the inn and learning more than we wanted to know about the art of laying bricks on top of each other.

Next morning we set out walking with Victoria who was dressed in fine robes decorated with Owls.  Idel road side chatter and we found she was concerned about minions of chaos might try and stop her journey.

Almost on cue a dozen foul beastmen came out from the bushes and demanded we hand over the priestess.  Zena and Flendac said no to which the leader said we would all die unless we complied.  Putting his own skills to use Tayy poked his head out and offered to settle the matter by feeding the chaos warband with cake.  

Surprisingly the leader likes this idea and was so taken by the last of the fine food his willpower broke and he let us all leave while he and his men tucked into the full picnic Tayy had prepared for the journey. 

Reaching Lengenfeld Victoria left us and we got a room at the local inn for the night.  Tayy gave Zena one of the spare shields from his bag (he has far too many) since she had little in the way of equipment.

While drinking we saw four smartly dressed men with small dragon emblems on there clothes.  Victoria came in and spoke to them.  Zena was able to overhead snippets of there conversation talking about the enemy of your enemy is my friend and how we must stop the Slaanesh cult.

As we came down for breakfast the next day we saw a coach, with the same dragon emblem, speeding away towards Nuln.  Fortunately our journey back to the city was also uneventful.   As it was late the decision was to wait until the following morning before visiting Mr Ewing to get our gold.

Image Credits -  

Art from meyeranek


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