WFRP Characters

 WFRP Campaign Player Characters

Name: Rubinifer

Background: Local thief with a heart of gold.  He keeps trying to help the downtrodden.
Career Highlights: Rogue ~ Thief ~ Outlaw Chief
Notable Items: Rings of Protection [Humans, Goblins], Sword [Humanbane], Gloves of Lock Picking, Breastplate [lots], Amulet of Righteous Silver, Boots of Silence, Bands of Power [double damage/3 day]
Interventions of Fate:

Name: Tayy Whitethorn
Background: Famous Chef down on his luck and working in the jailhouse.  Trying to make a new career as a business man in town.
Career Highlights: Rogue ~ Charlatan ~ Assassin
Notable Items: Rings of Enchanted Jade, Iron, Barkskin, Lifeforce, Leather Jerkin [+4AP], Boots of Speed, Bottomless bag, Amulets of Watchfulness & Righteous Silver, Weapons: Frostmaiden [+2 D, Resist Fire], Bladebane [+10WS], Nightkiss [+3 D], Bracers of Deflection.
Interventions of Fate:

Name: Hayley, Countess of Ryazan.
Background: Nobel saved by Faefiel from being sent to nunnery for sleeping with the stable boy.  Trained under Maruge to become a mistress of magic.  Now a Countess after winning a boat race.
Career Highlights: Warrior ~ Nobel ~ Duelist
Notable Items: Sword +1, Bag of Lightness, Staff of Power [15 MP, +1 Dam], Leather Jack [+3 All], Gloves of the Cobra  
Interventions of Fate:

Name: Zena
Background: Brick layer from Nuln.  Driven insane with megalomania.
Career Highlights: Warrior ~ Brick Layer ~ Marine ~ Sea Mate
Notable Items: Keval's damaged breastplate [+2 AP All; Battle Magic Immune], amulet of Coal.
Interventions of Fate:

Name: Gwyn
Background: Mercenary hired to protect the Countess.
Career Highlights: Mercenary
Notable Items: Ring [3 charges of X], Shield of the Waves [+2 AP All, Water breathing]

Interventions of Fate:

The Dearly departed 
Image Credits -
Art from travisjhanson.


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