WFRP Chapter 82: I Put a Spell on You

Summary: More rats at Dagmar's keep.  Gobbo returns.

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Madoc (David) - Human Friar of Manann [Poseidon]
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 82 ~ I put a spell on you

We join our heroes as Madoc and Tayy are hurrying back to Kreutshofen to get help from the Militia against the Skaven force attacking Keep Dagmar.  The other four jump off the cart and run into the woods in two groups with the aim of delaying the Skaven assault using skirmishing tactics to keep them occupied.

Sarah and Rubinifa headed into the eastern woods, away from the wizard.  Here a shadowy form ambushed them.  Thinking he could make short work of the two intruders Death-master Snikch slashed at them both with his swords.  Taking only light wounds the pair were able to retaliate.  Moments later a lucky blow from Sarah cut the Death-master down as he tried to flee having realised he was outclassed.  Searching the body Sarah took the cloak of shadows leaving Rubinifa armbands of power.  Three times a day he could increase his strength for a mighty hit.  Looking over he saw his friends had not fared so well against the Wizard...

Moving to the edge of the western woods Haley and Zena taunted Grey Seer Thanquel with their immunity to fire damage from the spells he was casting.  Unfortunately he had another ally, a grotesque mutated skaven with wings, who swooped in striking terror in the hearts of the ladies.  Zena staggers and dropped to the floor.  Tranquel channeled other magic mesmerizing them both.  Like Zombies the pair staggered forward and dropped at the wizards feet.  The grotesque spewed bile over the pair as Tranquel took their weapons (bye, bye magical staff).  They were left alive as the Skaven's expectations were the girls had been infected with the plague.  He wanted there return to the city spreading it far and wide.

With the Skaven skulking away to the north Rubinifa gathered his friends.  Slipping into the Keep he found Dagmar was fine but most of her war-band were injured with a couple showing signs of disease.  Not wanting to hang around Rubinifa signaled Tayy through the mirror to come back and, having met up, all six returned to Kreutshofen. 

On the next morning we went shopping to replace the girls lost weapons.  While doing so we found out that Rickard's had magical arrows for sale.  Sadly a somewhat steep price of 40 crowns each.  Zena tried to negotiate and was able to get a 20% discount; if she purchased 50 of them!

Having completed our shopping expedition we returned to working on our plan to undermine the De Bellen trading company and their banditry.  Hayley and Rubinifa went the next morning to join the other mercenaries in guarding the carts going through the pass.  It seemed like a simple exercise to gather information.  However this time Keval, Silavan's bodyguard, was also traveling through the pass with group.

All seemed fine until in the middle of the night Hayley saw two of the other guards on watch drop to the ground with arrows in them.  Shouting a warning she looking around to find where the attack was coming from.

As everyone else was roused Gobbo the Great, now with two Elven assassins was spotted.  Keval, the mercenaries and our two heroes charged at them.  Sadly with more of there number dropping as arrows thudded home the mercenaries cool broke and the last four remaining fled the battle.

Using his bands of power Rubinifa was able to cut down the first Elf and then help a wounded Hayley finish off the second.  While they did this Keval and Gobbo were dueling each other.  Keval's sheer power was being held in check by the magical ring of protection from humans the little green man wore.  Blows that would have killed a normal man twice over were barely scratching the Goblin. 

Rubinifa joined in the battle managing to get a couple of lucky blows that injured Gobbo.  While he did this Hayley scrapped around in the dirt to see what the Elves had that could help.  She was able to attune to one of the magic bows (the other was destroyed) and used used an arrow of sleep to drop the goblin in his tracks.

In a berzerk rage Keval smashed his sword into the prone figure finally managing to kill Gobbo the Great.  His victory was short lived however as Rubinifa used the opening to stab Keval in the back.  Removing a second threat from our lives.

Collecting the loot the pair staggered back to town and magnanimously shared the spoils with friends.  

  • Madoc got the enchanted shield of of waves [water breathing; +2 AP all].
  • Hayley got Keval's breastplate [+4 AP Body; +2 Str] and the hat of commanding presence [+20% Ld; +2 AP All].
  • Tayy got boots of speed [+3 MV].
  • Zena got Kevel's sword but it vaporised as her will was not strong enough.
  • Rubinifa kept Gobbo's ring and sword hoping to attune to them once he had completed his mental exercises.

Image Credits -  

Skaven and monster art by amenlona


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