WFRP Chapter 83: Merchants Of Paradise

Summary: Dealing with a rogue trader.

Our Heroes

  • Hayley (Elliot) - Human Duelist
  • Flendac (Kris) - Human Master Assassin
  • Tayy Whitethorn (Michael) - Halfling Trainee Assassin 
  • Zena (Oliver) - Human Artillerist
  • Rubinifer (Rob) - Human Outlaw Chief

Chapter 83 ~ Merchants Of Paradise

As Rubinifa finished the tale of how Keval and Gobbo died we concluded there must have been something of importance on the two carts that would mean Silavan had sent Keval to guard it.

We set off early the next morning to go and retrieve the carts taking Sarah with us.  There was some discussion about if it would be safe to take her with us given the bounty hunters were still looking for her.

A couple of hours of walking later we saw Lance, Lloyd and Cody.  Three of the mercenaries that had fled from the battle with Gobbo the great.  They were surprised to see Rubinifa and Hayley alive and wanted to know what had happened.  Rubinifa convinced them Gobbo had killed Keval but then he and Hayley had slain the war boss.  Unfortunately there were too many other combatants and had to also retreat.  Now was the time to return and recover the carts.

The carts were not at the camping spot from the previous night.  Following the tracks we saw they had gone into the Orc enclave.  Lance mentioned he thought there was gold hidden amongst the cargo of bricks.  Hayley talked to Maruge the Orc Shaman.  She learnt the Orcs had eaten the horses and were going to use the bricks to build.  Once bribed by Tayy with more cheese cake Maruge did agree she would trade these bricks for other bricks if they were actually important to the man who hired us.

We planned to go to Mortensholm and get bricks and then realization struck! We would need our cart anyway so all headed back to Kreutshofen.

The five survivors went to see Mr De Bellan and explain about the lost cargo.  He was very upset saying his employer would be here in a couple of days and that people should have stayed and died with the carts.  Lance and his pals quit saying this was not what they had signed up to do.  He turned his fury on Rubinfa and Hayley, the only two left, telling them his employer would make them sorry if they did not retrieve his gold.

Returning to the house we laid out our options.  We could not let a chaos cult get hold of all the gold and their was not enough time for us to trade it all from the Orcs.  That left only one plan - assassinate Mr De Bellan before he told Silavan who had lost the money.

That evening our five heroes headed by to the trading house.  Hayley convinced De Bellan we had a lead and managed to get three of the remaining mercenaries to come with us to the pass. As we headed out of the south gates we saw Lt. Kurt von Strom.  He asked our plans and we let him know we were hunting Gobbo the Great and his war band.

An hour later in the foothills we confronted the mercenaries.  We told them of the Chaos cult and that the watch were working with us (that chance encounter at the gate turned to our advantage).  Given a choice of leaving never to return or fighting us; wisely they took the path to Mortensholm while we took an indirect route to the river and sneaked back into the city using the towpath.

Returning once more to the trading house Hayley intimidated the last few protectors to flee and we confronted De Bellan.  He denied our claims about being part of a cult but a fight quickly broke out.  A killing blow [19 damage] left Zena bleeding out on the floor but a couple of well placed strikes and a lucky arrow from Tayy saw De Bellan fall.

Zena's magic ring kept her alive and we were able to ransack the place getting 60 crowns each of loot and a magical sword.  Which we later sold for the same amount as none of us could attune to it.  The body was left with a couple of magical elven arrows sticking out of it.  Hopefully making it seem like some of Gobbo's gang had come to the city for revenge.

Sneaking out using the towpath we returned using the south gate.  Letting Kurt know about the "fight with Goblins" we had and how the other mercenaries had got separated and fled south.

Planning to just crash out our return to the house was a shocking moment as the door had been broken open!  Searching we found Sarah gone and lots of blood.  We did find her cloak amongst the damage in the bedroom.  Flendac tried it on but it turned to smoke in his hands.

Rubinifa went and reported the break-in to the watch.  He gave a vague description of Sarah and told them her name was Nicky.  Tayy mentioned that Lance and his friends had seen her face.  Perhaps they sold her location to the bounty hunters for cash?  Another mystery that we may never know the answer too...


Image Credits -  
art by twokinds


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