WFRP Chapter 100: Day of the Dead
Summary: Fleeing assassins the Countess's entourage finds themselves a Mummy . Chapter 100 ~ One step closer to, or further from, Nuln? With repairs were still underway on the Angry Beaver Hayley booked passage on another barge to get four of us to Nuln. She set off with Zena, Gwyn and Tayy leaving Rubinifa, Sarah and Jenson to lay down a false trail for her uncle. On the journey Zena sold her protective cloak to Countess Hayley but unfortunately our Nobel leader was not able to attune to the mystical energy and it turned to dust in her hands. It seemed the false trail had failed as only a few hours into the journey a figure stepped out on to the bank and called to Zena. He offered her, and then the captain, money to pull the boat over to the shore. Zena offered the captain more and with the threatening presence of Gwyn standing over him the captain ordered his men to keep on rowing. More men came out of the bushes and started shooting arrows at the crew. O...