WFRP Chapter 108: Imperial Decree
Summary: Forming a blood bowl team. Chapter 108 ~ Skaven, Elves and Priests of Sigmar. Once again Enzo Ferrari came to the Sheriff's office to report news of a giant rat killing orcs in the forest! This time Luke and Gwyn went out to investigate. They managed to track down a Skaven Grey Seer called Skrotch and rather than fighting talked with hm. They convinced him to let them join him on the hunt. When they came across Chad Kroger and his orc band Luke let Skrotch know these orcs were their friends and somehow convinced him not to kill them! Some amazing diplomacy from Luke. The next day another boat full of Priests of Sigmar arrived. They were looking for Magnus Wolfclaw ( good job we did not mark his grave ). They also delivered the latest imperial degree that banned most none-humans and other religions from the Empire. Luke tried to convince them to go and hunt the Skaven but, as he was not a follower of Sigmar, they were no...