WH40k Strike Force: Ultramarines vs Aeldari

Ultramarine vs Aeldari Battle Report My second game of 10th Edition 40k. I have attempted to do this as a slightly more descriptive report rather than a precise blow by blow account of the game. A friend came around with a bag full of ruins so we could have a tactical game with a lot of LOS blocking terrain. Ultramarine Armoured Division Captain Balthasar in Terminator armour leading Terminator Squad Librarian Zekiel in Artificer armour leading Sergeant Raphael and his Tactical Squad Rhino Dedicated Transport Devastator Squad lead by Sgt Newmar Sergeant Arion and his Scout snipers 3x Dreadnoughts - Brother Grumio, Darius and Marcus 3x Predator Destructors - Alpha, Beta, Gamma Vindicator Delta Aeldari Wraithguard lead by a Spiritseer Wave Serpent carrying Dire Avengers Wave Serpent carrying Howling Banshees & Fire Dragons Dark Reapers Rangers Windriders Wraithknight 2x Wraithlord Setup: Vital Ground Mission with Hammer and Anvil ...