DND Character: Buttercup the Druid

Quote: Hey Man, my name is Buttercup a Flower Child. I make these really groovy seed cakes full of berries that will take away the pain of your wounds and fill your belly, and if we meet anyone that is, like, not cool I will just, like, burn them with fire! Overview Name: Buttercup Species: Human (Size Small 3' 9", move 30') Background: Farmer Languages: Common, Druidic, Draconic, Giant Class: Druid; Stats: S: 10 D: 14 C: 15+1 = 16 I: 4 W: 15+2 = 17 Ch: 13; HP: 8+2+3 = 13; AC: 18 Proficiencies: Animal Handling, Nature, Survival, Perception, Arcana, Carpenter's Tools, Herbalism Kit Crafting: I can scribe scrolls and brew healing potions during downtime. I would likely start with scrolls of Cure Wounds and a few potions for other charcters to carry. Feats: 1: Tough & Magic Initiate (Wizard, Wisdom Based) 4: Warcaster [+1 Wis] 8: +2 Wis = 20 12: Resistance (Con) [+1 Con] 16: +2 Con = 19 19: Boon Of Dimensional Travel +1 Con = 20. ...