Campaign Setting: Karamekois
Overview Back when I started playing D&D this was the " Known World " described in the Expert Set and what we used for our early games. Later it became known as Mystara. I have made a few adjustments to make it my setting for a traditional Tolkienesque world. History Legends tell of the great Dragon Empire of the High Elves that stretched from coast to coast and the rise of the Orcs, and the empires own infighting that brought about its doom. No one knows where the Orcs came from some say the vainest of the Elves compared themselves to the Gods and were cursed. From the empires ashes rose the feudal kingdoms of man. These are the lands of the Known World that battle for survival. Races Common: Human (Variant & Standard), Sylvan Elves, Dwarves Uncommon: High Elves, Hin (Halflings) Half-breads: Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Dragonborn (children of dragons), Tiefling/Genasi (Half Djinn), Gnome (Half-dwarf) Grand Duchy of Karameikos Government: ...